Why Hire Bill

Why Hire Bill

Key takeaways
Return to Work Ready to Apply:

Ace Fighter Pilot’s Formula for Performing at Your Best, No Matter What;

Three Keys to Training the Most Effective Teams for times of Greatest Pressure;

How the Great Combat Leaders Lead;

The Ace Fighter Pilots' Secrets for Living a More Balanced, Productive and Happy Life.

When you hire Bill Driscoll, you get real, battle-tested concepts that also work brilliantly in the heat of global enterprise.

“I noticed an immediate jump in enthusiasm for those cornerstone values of teamwork and leadership you so brilliantly described. I also expect your focus on performance and accountability to have an immediate positive impact on our people”.
— Doug Horras, Senior Vice President of Operations, Sara Lee Foods

"All of the people I talked to felt your presentation was one of, if not the best, they had ever seen in a professional environment. I believe the impact on their long-term approach to the business will be substantial".
— Ray C. Pittman, Managing Director, CB Commercial Corporate Services